I have found posts at forums of people looking for the same type of plugin, but I have yet to find the plugin. But the plugins I did find were interesting and I spent some time browsing through them.
Feed Footer WordPress Plugin - How To Grow Your Blog Traffic Stop waiting for getting approved for feed ads and do it yourself. This plugin will rotate up to 10 ads under the blog posts in your rss feed and allow you to add copyright notices. You can use any type of HTML code and any length. I found 2 or 3 similar plugins, but they did not have as many features.
mutube » Blog Archive » AdSense Manager v2.0 (Beta) Released John Chow recommends Adsense Deluxe and unfortunately the day I read his ebook, the site where the plugin was hosted was down and it was down the next. So I found this and works out pretty well for me. You can set up ad codes and then ad them to any post you want to. The plugin is set up to create the adsense code for you or you can save the code from any other ad program into the system, if you don't deal with Adsense.
WordPress-phpMyAdmin : silpstream Deal with your database from within Wordpress instead of having to login separately through phpMyAdmin.
And after browsing through the Wordpress Plugins Database, I found something that will do what I want it to do for the time being. It's the Articles plugin from Alex King who also wrote Popularity Contest.
So Jekyll is a great choice for a blog if you don’t need to run a dynamic site and I just got tired of running a whole hackable application on a server somew...