Stephan Miller
The Jamaican Challenge

The Jamaican Challenge

I have good intentions to post every day. The problem with that is human nature. The days that I actually go to my day job, I wake up at 4:45 am, grab everything I need for work and get to the office by 5:30. That gives me an hour and a half to do what I have to do before I punch the time clock. After about four months of this schedule, I know what needs to done and I do it. Sometimes issues get in the way, like random hackers out graffiting the net. By the time my three day weekend comes, I am ready for a project and sometimes I have more than one.

Some weekends I just vanish from here. Those are weekends when I say, "I can always post later" and then I proceed to tackle a project. Instead I think I will start writing my last post for the week on Friday and then timestamp a couple of short posts for the weekend. But even that got pushed off. I was going to write this yesterday.

Sometimes writing my project list down here gets things clearer in my mind.

First I want to send a thanks out to ZeebaStars for such a great review of my site. And I have been meaning to get to my About Me page for a while. It does need some serious updating. A lot of my priorities have changed.

I also am going to be spending a little time researching Jamaican news site. Why Jamaica? I got myself involved in an Alexa challenge. I have to increase my Alexa ranking in Jamaica. It got me thinking and just that is worth taking the challenge. How do I get more traffic from a country? Write about what they are interested in. So off to the news sites to see if I can pick a good story.

Found one

Bajan songbird Rihanna, will be the headliner for “Smile Jamaica-Africa Unite,” the concert which takes place at James Bond Beach on Saturday, February 23, in tribute to Bob Marley.

Source: Jamaican Observer

I also realize that getting a higher Alexa rank involves getting a lot of people who have Alexa installed, because that's all that really matters. A that tends to be a lot of internet marketers. So I am looking for the #1 make money or marketing blog from Jamaica. I you have a blog from Jamaica, be sure to comment. I give you two links back to your blog with each comment. Not sure how to go about this other than that. I might try a few searches and hunt one down. And I guess I will just use Alexa rank as the deciding factor.

I guess that's all for now.

Stephan Miller

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Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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