The Inner Workings of the Twitter Machine
I am not quite sure why a made my last post a cliff hanger. To tell you the truth, I was running out of time and decided to just cut the post in two parts. T...
But I have recently got back into the social aspect of the internet. And I discovered you don't have to pick the big networks. Just start with two or three that suit you. I have signed up for so many. In fact, I try to log in at every one I find. Chances are I signed up in the past and totally forgot about it.
I am really active at MyBlogLog and am betting that Cre8buzz is going to be a hit. You don't have to be MySpace any more. New networks are starting up daily and there seems to be enough people to go around. I see it as the Walmart effect. Walmart can come in and take a big part of the market, but some people have distinct tastes that Walmart just doesn't cater to. My kids have taste. They don't like the taste of the lead paint on Chinese made toys. So for toys, we go elsewhere.
I had to get my Walmart dig in, but the truth is, as a company takes a bigger market share, the more generic they have to become. They start appealing to lower common denominators. Less and less niche products are put on the shelve. Make way for the niche stores.
I think there are parallels online. I have stopped worried about being a top guy at a top site. I just want to contribute at whatever sites I happen to be in. And you know what, I get more out of it. If I get hits from SU or Digg, I never get comments. I get my site slowing down for a few hours. I get numbers that look good at Alexa but that's about all. After all, am I out to fake things here but be real.
So hey, my few little networks I will focus on for now and as more time becomes available I will branch out.
I like finding people I know mixed in the various networks. It helps when they use the same avatar everywhere. I friend them or join their groups when I see them. And this is what I mean by synergy. This whole long post to get to the point. Leverage the use of your social networks by using the same avatar and by hunting down people you know from other networks. It works. And spend enough time in each to actually do something. If you don't have enough time, drop a network or two. And just go with what seems natural.
Let the big guys tackle the big networks. I am here to be real, not generic.