RSS, the Dark Side is Strong with You
And you thought RSS was the best thing about blogs, the advantage they have over a standard website without a feed. But think about it for a second.
If your reader uses a feed reader, he may really never come to your blog. It is too easy just to read your post from their reader.
And this causes your blog to get less traffic. Less traffic means less revenue from your blog. And you don’t want that. You built a blog for visitors.
But again, there are advantages. Your RSS feed can bring readers back. It can help your traffic rather than harm. It’s a dilemma.
When you ask a blogger what the issues of a RSS feed are, he or she might say:
- An RSS feed makes it easy for any random spammer to steal your content, shred it and turn into gibberish on thier own site. It's what spammers crave.
- Readers don't need to come to your blog, because they have your feed. What else do they need?
But there is much more to this problem
Pawan Agrawal, the founder & CEO of MaxBlogPress has some details about the dark side of RSS. Some things, that as a blogger, you should know.
If you visit his site now, you can watch a free video and download a free PDF which will tell you in detail how your RSS feed is ripping your Wordpress blog and you off.
You just have to watch. It will surprise you. The problem goes deeper than you ever thought it could.
Watch the video now and find out how RSS is ripping off your Wordpress blog!