How I Finally Ditched Evernote for Joplin
The step by step process I used to migrate from Evernote to Joplin on two laptops, one phone, and a tablet.
Image by eristoddle via Flickr
When you do a lot of things, you have to have a system of priorities. I say that and yet I can also say that I get sidetracked about 50% of the time. There are those days when everything comes together. But I am driven like a MoFo, so even on those days, the to do list is never empty at the end of the day.
And if these things you do are spread apart, you must create your own system. No one will show you how. Being a blogger means wearing more hats than you ever thought you would. Throw anything else in that mix and add even more hats.
One thing you must cultivate is the ability to walk away from something that is not quite finished. Another skill you must have is knowing when to walk away and move onto another project to get it closer to the finish line. Focus is great. Too much focus will have you spending too much time chasing details better left until after every piece of the puzzle is semi-functional.
Every now and then, these half finished things don’t turn out the way I planned. An example: I decided to update Wordpress a while back. I knew just about how long it would take, but I didn’t figure in that a buttload of plugins wouldn’t work the instant I update. This results in a setback, which will happen more often than you think.
So now the projects:
And there were a few projects that were put on the back burner for a bit. They were months away from producing income or getting my name out there.