Writing as You Go - Technical Article Writing Made Easy
If you are a developer and want to write about what you do, there is no reason you should run out of ideas.
Now not every idea is a good one. But when they are down on paper, I don't have to worry about losing the good ones. Somehow the act of writing brings life into the good ones. A few days or weeks later, those ideas come back to me more complete, almost by magic. I don't know what mechanism is at work in this process. I just have learned to trust it over the years.
Another benefit of writing things down is that is seems to free your mind up, as if the ideas I currently have are blocking future ones. Once they are out of the way, watch out. They will come twice as fast tomorrow.
But I try to do it daily. I just start writing. Eventually there is a point where the pen won't stop moving. And that's when I find things I never even thought.
Notebooks are for more than to do lists.