The one I have rolling around in my head right now is something I call “Listening Device”. And it is a hybrid of KlipFolio and TweetDeck with some added extras.
Tweetdeck is a Twitter client with columns. Each of the columns can be all tweets, replies, a group of people you follow or a Twitter search feed. It in one word, rocks. KlipFolio lets you add feeds, among other things, in blocks in it’s display. It works like Windows Sidebar, but is easier to deal with. You can put it anywhere on the screen, add about any feed or mash of feeds including images and videos. It very nicely moves everything out of the way to sit on any side of your screen.
My idea is Tweetdeck with profiles and the ability to add any feed.
Let’s say that I wanted to find out what people were saying about me. I don’t have to really worry about that too much, but let me fabricate for a while. I type my name to listen for anything about me. I then choose from various sources I want to listen to. Everything from forum searches to Google Blog Searches has an RSS feed now.
The query urls would be built-in, categorized and could be manually edited. They could be categorized by updates, forum site feeds, answer site feeds, blog search feeds, etc.
The resulting feeds I can mash however I want into the available columns. I can have a forums column, a blogs column and any other column I want.
Once I set that up, I can save the configuration as a workspace or profile. Then I can use it for any other name. But I can also set up other profiles with any combination of feeds. Because I have realized that there are different modes and reasons for listening. Sometimes I may just be researching a market. Sometimes I may be looking to comment on other blogs. Sometimes I may be in forum mode. And sometimes I just be waiting for perfect questions at answer sites.
Then I went off into feature bloat land with the ability to submit to social news sites or blog from the software.
I highly doubt I will be doing this part. Not unless thousands of dollars rain from the sky to free me from my work for a little while. But here is how I would start from this point.
I would learn Adobe Air. From what I’ve read so far, you can build the apps with Javascript or Flash, but don’t quote me on that. And those languages I can deal with. I have always wanted to learn Flash, but never found it very useful, but it definitely is getting there. I went through a dry period between Visual Basic and finding Adobe Air. I stopped using VB with .NET. It was too much. You had to download the huge framework files first and then the software would run. And really, I looked at some of the source and decided it wasn’t for me. I am a geek but not that much of a geek. As as side note, AutoIt which is actually software for writing macros but you can create executable files with a decent looking interface. Not for this software though. Maybe for a Wordpress installation cloner I have been thinking of.
There are a lot of open source Adobe Air apps on Google code. I would find a few that were as close as possible to what I wanted to build and start taking them apart to build my own app. I would throw the best overview of the progamming language I could find in PDF form into AceReader so I could read it faster. And then I would use the cheat sheet to help me write the code to glue everything together and make it work. Later, if I want more features, I would find another app that had them and take a look at it’s source.
And this is the main reason that all software for now is on the back burner. Chasing bugs sucks. It can take most of the time sometimes. And if you sell your software, it’s even worse because you have angry customers who paid money and are now having issues also.
If you are beating your head against the wall, come back to it. Sometimes we read what we think we see and not what is actually there. You can stare at the same code for an hour and never find the bug. A lot of the time, when you come back to it later, it sticks out. Not that I always did this. I am sometimes a stubborn ass.
And that’s about it. Probably boring, but that’s a quick blueprint on writing software MacGyver style.