How I Finally Ditched Evernote for Joplin
The step by step process I used to migrate from Evernote to Joplin on two laptops, one phone, and a tablet.
It's amazing to make money from the internet. Almost like printing it. And that can have a powerful effect on the psyche. It can make a person afraid to stop what they are doing to try anything new. "I might mess a good thing up." But just because you made a few dollars doing one thing doesn't mean that something else won't work better for you.
Before the affiliate marketing, I signed up for every "Make Money at Home" deal I could find. I didn't pay for anything. I just signed up to get all the sales materials. And they were just the same.
So I use suspension of disbelief when I read anything that could have opposing viewpoints. It' not belief and it's not my normal heaping helping of skepticism. It's what allows me to get into a Sci-Fi movie but stops me just short of wearing a Wookie costume to a convention.
And when it deals with making money, there are even more crackpots than there is in religion or comic book stores. You just have to wait until you try the method yourself. Don't be a fan boy. And don't be a naysayer.