How I Finally Ditched Evernote for Joplin
The step by step process I used to migrate from Evernote to Joplin on two laptops, one phone, and a tablet.

My Ultimate Set of Morning Rituals
I was never a morning person until about 5 years ago, but I guess I am really still not a morning person.

Gold Rushes, Boom Towns, Wild Wests and Side Hustles
Chasing the next big thing was fun for a while, but got old.

A Constant Brain Change
Keep learning to keep changing.

Make Everything You Do Perform More Than One Job
Killing unlimited birds with one stone.

Learning How You Do It
Even with the best teachers, you still have to learn your own way.

Embedding Yourself in the Internet
Be everywhere you can on the internet and leave a mark.

Interviewing for Practice
Keep interviewing even when you aren't looking for a job.

Using Imposter Syndrome to Your Advantage
What to do with the voice that says you aren't good enough.

95% of People Fail Because They Just Don't Try
All success stories start with someone doing something. Sitting on the sidelines won't get you anywhere.

Work For Yourself Daily
Image by guydonges via Flickr Reason Not To Blog: I have to work to put food on the table.

People I Have Worked With in Kansas City
Image via Wikipedia Since I have starting working on websites here in Kansas City, I have had the chance to work with a lot of local tech people. And si...

Extrapolation, Not Duplication
Cover via Amazon "You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his ...

The Elusive Clean Plate, Inbox Zero and Mind Like Water
Cover via Amazon Many people have one job. Nice! Many people have one job description. Also great. And it's a place I hope to be some day. Until then, ...

What Makes You Money?
Image via Wikipedia This is what you should be doing.

Learn, Integrate and Automate
Image via Wikipedia The Only Employee It's a slow cycle when you are trying to learn everything you can about the Internet, Search Engines, Social Media and ...

How Many Hats You Wear?
Ground Zero I started out selling on Ebay. I didn’t know much more than HTML. I knew nothing about SEO. And I knew that some people had made money with affil...

Attacking and Defending Your E-commerce Niche
This was the slide show from my presentation at Highlight Midwest. really enjoyed the unconference and can't wait for the next. Attacking and Defending...

Highlight Midwest and Unconferences
This started as a post telling you to come to Highlight Midwest in Kansas City this Wednesday, but then the iframe virus hit the server this blog once lived ...

Priorities in Traffic, Time and Money
Image by eristoddle via Flickr

Changing Offices

How to Get a Tech Job with a G.E.D
I have never been one to hold a job for long. I don't have a degree. About two years was my limit. It has not been the pay as much as the boredom. Once I cou...

Single Tasking is Hard To Do
Doing one thing at a time. It's a nice concept and may seem easy, but I guess it depends on how you handle things. I know it works. I know the sense of accom...

On Getting Advice
It is good to live with someone you trust to tell you that you are being stupid. Of course, part of the deal is actually listening when that person says you ...

Set Yourself Up for Failure with Rules
I have gradually built up a list of invisible rules for this blog. What are invisible rules? Rules set by the popularity of past posts. Rules that cause writ...

Fixed Costs and Fixed Time
Time is money. It may be something we all agree on, but what does it really mean. Fixed costs are nice. One of my fixed costs is hosting. When I make $4000 i...

How to Teach Yourself to Make Money Online
Dealing with Incomplete Information I learned in a De Bono thinking course that for some things, you will just never have complete information. So there is s...

How to Mask Procrastination and Wasted Time
Habits are hard to break. Habits are hard to create. Any productivity book I have read that doesn't state those two points clearly goes in one ear and out th...

The Continuous Process of Change
Repeating Myself Now let's see if I can write this post without repeating myself. Or I will have to start calling my blog 101 ways to look at producti...

Panic As Fuel
I am a relatively organized and driven person, but I do get comfortable. Comfortable is spending way to much time exploring and not enough time marketing and...

I Will Be Exploring Freelancers
It's time to shift my focus a little again, back to projects, code and campaigns. I am just this close to having the theme done for my other blog. And then I...

Finding Your Own Way to Make Money Online
I sometimes look back at the posts I have written and then back at my site and think, "Damn, these people must think I'm an asshole." I say, "...

Comfort Zones, Slacking and Brain Enemas
I've been a slacker for a couple of weeks now. The money has been good, so I slowed down. Not here at my blog, but with other projects. It's a habit I know w...

Lessons Learned at Low Paying Jobs
I didn't quit a cush job to start making money online. I did it while I was making $12 an hour and realized the ceiling was right around $16. I am a lazy per...

First Things First
I have been reading The Four Hour Work Week lately. It takes a while. I get a half hour in here and ten minutes there, but I will get through it. It has made...

Riding Waves of Productivity
I tend to discount inspiration. I wrote an article about it once because much of the time, it is used for an excuse. Last week I wrote a series of posts tha...

Tunnels, Carrots, and Tangents
I have been writing the posts in this blog for the me of three years ago. "I come from hard working stock." Three years ago I was just looking for ...

Adjusting to Sporadic Cash
This is a good year. Affiliate marketing is recession proof. If Americans are broke, I can sell in Australia, England, Canada and other English speaking coun...

Success, One Mistake at a Time
I am a dumbass when it comes down to it. I was going to list a whole bunch of mistakes I have made here, but then realized that some of them make me cringe w...

Getting Past Scheduling
I revisit the topic of schedules every so often because schedules are evolving things. The reason why Zen to Done works for me is that it minimizes the impor...

Monetization So Far and Alinks
This weekend was another research weekend, hence my last links post. I have been looking a lot at the alinks plugin. This plugin allows you to assign urls to...

Don't Believe Everything You Hear About Internet Marketing.
Pick any blog on the internet that claims to teach you how to build traffic, what monetization method to use, and how to go about this blogging thing and you...

Tricking Yourself into Getting Things Done
It seems like getting ahead involves constantly looking back at how you react in certain situations and figuring out your way around yourself the next time. ...

Burning Down the House
I see so many people that don't think or don't even care to. When they search for a way to make money online, they want a system. Do they care how the system...

Maybe I don't have a good bookkeeping system or maybe affiliate marketing has too many ups and downs to calculate an average or maybe I am just a straight id...

Building Steam
Sometimes you have to put one foot in front of the other. That's it. Just focus on that and things will happen. Choose only the amount of daily projects you ...

Zen to Done - Finished
I like the concept of big rocks. I have a lot of project lists, but very limited time to do them. But cutting the active projects down to two or three, every...

I Don't See the Difference Between Design and Purpose
I see everything as connected. I don't see different fields and I don't believe in specialization. Specialization is for employees. If you want to be a emplo...

Leave Me the F*** Alone
You have to learn this phrase. Some people won't hear kindness. Some people won't let you do your own thing. Some people don't know if they would just give y...

Hope for the High School Dropouts
I think it is assumed that most pro bloggers quit a cush corporate job to become a blogger. Or they owned a business and then began blogging. Or that bloggin...

Money Lubricates the Mind
I thought of this post while taking a shower. Then I thought I wouldn't post it. It goes totally against the background I come from as a child. "Money i...

Zen to Done - Half Way Through
David Allen is a control freak. Sorry to say that, but the twists and turns of his system had me slacking. There was just too much. I don't have room for a t...

Zen to Done - GTD as modified by Leo Babauta
I am a GTD covert. I thought it was a new thing until I read the book. But it doesn't quite fit everyone's tastes. For one, I have no one to delegate to curr...

"Can Do" Blinders
When it comes to developing, modifying designs, or hacking Wordpress plugins, I like to wait until I have a long period of time to do it. That means waiting ...

When the Industry's Behind, Start Running
I kind of fell into the job at AllAboutDoors.com. It happens to be one of those niches that if you do any kind of SEO or SEM, you are kicking everyone's ass....

Design by accident.
The alignment of the logo in the header was an accident. Didn't really mean to put it there, but I forgot to adjust the size of the top black bar. My name wa...

Developing in the Trenches
This is the usual trend in my blog. These periods where I don't post are when I am heavy into developing either sites or software and now that my day job alm...

Organizing for Freelancing
For three years I have played with this little internet marketing business on the side. For two years it has surpassed and continues to surpass my pay at my ...