4 Fast Feed Readers that Handles Lots of Feeds without Slowing Down

Stupid Shiny Ribbon in Windows Live Writer 2011
It Started With Zemanta It all started when I noticed the Zemanta Windows Live Writer Plugin had an update, so I went to the page for the update. I love Zema...

There Is No Killer App
Reason Not to Blog #3: I just can’t find the right tool.

A List of Free Tools to Keep Your Stuff in Order
A few months ago, about the time I stopped posting so much at this blog, I ran into an issue. I had a lot of things to do and could not keep them in my head ...

Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Now with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

A Few Ways to Search Faster than Google
Image via Wikipedia About 100 years ago, you would have to wait for a newspaper to get the news or go to the library to look up information. And the inform...

How to Make Flock Faster
Image via Wikipedia

Wakoopa, Find Software You Never Knew You Needed
This is now one of my favorite sites. It gained that status over the weekend.

How to MacGyver Yourself Some Software
Other working titles for this article were “Guerilla Programming” and “How to Build Rube Goldberg Apps”, but I had to make a choice.

7 Very Cool Free Desktop Feed Readers
I have been so wrapped up lately trying to replace desktop software with web apps that I haven't looked into desktop feed readers for a long time. I used Fir...

How to Find the Right Software
I have come to the decision that I will never hire employees. Nope. I have managed people before and I have come up with a equation that sums it up. Take the...

A Glitch in The System
I used to work on cars. I thought I loved it at the time. I realized after a while that I hated it. I like saving the money. Don't get me wrong. I still will...

Automatic Form Filling With Firefox
fireform :: Firefox Add-ons I am still surprised at the amount of people who don't know the existence of this plugin. I am currently writing a database/pr...

Cleaning Off My Desktop with RapidReader
No Time To Read I don't know about you, but I don't get that much time to read. I used to read all the time. Now I get eye bites. Short glimpses of paragraph...

Windows Live Writer
I have tried a few desktop blogging programs. The closest I came to anything I would use was Qumana or Scribefire. Both programs claimed tagging support, but...

Using Software to Save Time
Usually my day to day activities give me enough material to write about, especially when I break things. There is no better fuel for writing than outright bi...

Using Firefox as a To Do List
I carry a Moleskine around to write random ideas down which I later put in a bigger notebook which consist of to do list, article ideas, half finished articl...

Filemaker Server 9 Crashing Issues
I wanted to get this post in, because there is not much information on this subject around the net, but I also wanted to stay with the theme of the blog. Fol...

Setting Up Filemaker for Remote Access for Free
This was a lot easier than I thought. In fact, I was prepared for a hour of messing with the router. I am not a network guy. I play with it until something w...

Why use Filemaker 8.5?
I am the kind of guy who likes everything organized and in one place. My original plan was to use mysql and a locally running installation of Drupal to track...