How SERPS.com Stole My Idea for SEO Software and Gave Me Press Access to the Theft
I was actually writing code to integrate Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools when Google just added the ability to mash them together. Long before th...

Setting Up Google Authorship with rel="author", rel="me and your Google+ Profile
Playing Three Card Author Monty with Google Now the steps to claim your content go like this: Cut off the pinky finger of your left hand. Send it in for DNA...

SEO and Blogging Basics- Why SEO Works
Blogging and SEO are inseparable. The blog is perhaps the defining website content, and blogs cover every imaginable subject on Earth. The trouble is that lo...

Plato's Cave of SEOs

Yes, Virginia, SEO's are Ruining Google
Image via Wikipedia And here are some similar phrases that I put in the same basket: "We are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Mid...

Building Links Through DoFollow Forum Signatures
I haven’t written a link building post in a while, because for the most part, I was off investigating other things. And getting way too complex. When I reali...

How to Create More Content for Your Products
Image via Wikipedia How do I write about my products? I have built a lot of different sites for a lot of different people and this question always comes up...

Not My Last Word on the Subject of SEO and Online Marketing
I just recently built a e-Commerce site. Only about 20% of the products are up but we decided to launch it. It was time to start getting links and making sa...

My First Review of RankSense
I am writing this post tethered to the wall by a cord. I have a laptop but the battery is a year old, lasts about 10 minutes now and I am waiting on the new ...

I Wanna Be a Ass Hat SEO, Please
Using the term “Black Hat”, automatically assumes the existence of White, Gray and theoretically “No Hat” techniques.</p><h3>No Hat SEO</h3>...

A Huge List of Keyword Tools
There doesn't seem to be a common consensus on what keyword tools are useful or whether you need to use them in the first place, but there are a lot and we w...

A Few Quick Tips for Ecommerce Sites
I rank pretty high for specific terms when it comes to ecommerce, even though I haven't written a post in a while. I have learned a lot through running an ec...

Article Spinning and Content Creation
If I actually like to write, why am I looking into artificial content creation. Because it's interesting. I am on the trail of building a contextual matching...

Optimizing Wordpress for Search Engines
I lay awake at night thinking of things like this. Not long. A few minutes or so. Sometimes I get an idea when I am driving. Sometimes I write the ideas down...

A Final Traffic Update, I Think
Why final? Because I don't think it adds much any more. This is the sixth one since I started focusing on getting traffic to this blog and I haven't added to...

Long Tail Time Bombs
I knew I would have to explain this one today. If you noticed, I have a popular posts widget in the top right corner of this blog. This is based on Google An...

Notice: Buying text links in today's internet landscape is a risk and not something I would advise to newbies. But it does have i...

Nice Little Traffic Update
This is the best one so far. And I guess it should be that way. The current one should be the best. But I think by the time I write another one of these, I w...

Give Away Free Things to Get Traffic and Sales
When I started in internet marketing, that's what we called in back in the olden days, I was all about getting paid. And 5 internet years is equal to about 2...

Google Adwords Demographic Bidding
Got an email from Adwords today. It seems that they just opened a beta program where advertisers can bid on specific groups of people. Demographic bidding i...

The Jamaican Challenge
I have good intentions to post every day. The problem with that is human nature. The days that I actually go to my day job, I wake up at 4:45 am, grab everyt...

Rihanna for Smile Jamaica-Africa Unite
I need to get out of this icy Midwestern weather. Perfect time to go to Jamaica, except for the whole money situation. And that is changing. Maybe next year....

Get More Visitors to Your Blog
I recently wrote a post about the different types of links you can get to your blog and what they mean to your traffic. One was a more active way through soc...

Traffic Update #4
I hope that I will be getting to some of the John Chow type income updates soon, but last month I made about $50 from this blog or about 1% of my affiliate i...

Looking at Links Again
One thing blogging has done for me is force me to put into words vague ideas that have been floating around in my head for a while. I may not have the clout ...

What Kind of Links Do I Need to My Site?
There is more than one way to get traffic to your blog. I see a lot of emphasis placed on what I consider dynamic links. This is traffic from commenting on b...

The PageRank Crisis and Jedi Mind Control
The title's a joke. My rank is falling. My rank is falling. If I hear that one more freaking time... Pagerank is nothing. Just a indicator. And I wonder if a...

Black Hat SEO and Game Theory
I have done a few things in the past to make sites rank that would definitely qualify as being on the black hat side of things. I am done with that now. It's...

Optimizing for Hits You Already Get Part 2
Yesterday I said it is much more worthwhile to optimize your web site for the key phrases that show up in your statistics software. Today we will go over som...

Optimizing for Hits You Already Get
SEO this and SEO that. SEO's have a bad name, just like lawyers. But when you're the one that needs one, all the lawyer jokes get dropped and you hire the be...

Hot Linked Image Marketing - Ecommerce Optimization Series
The title is sort of a joke. When you have about the only good pictures of an item on the internet, you are bound to be the target of people who want to use ...

The Traffic is Picking Up Slowly
About a month ago, I decided to cut out the B.S. and start writing every day, except for Sundays. I am not religious. That is just an agreement I have made w...

Google Just Gave Me the John Chow Treatment
Back in June, John Chow announced that he no longer ranked in Google for his own name. Now I am in the same situation, at least temporarily. If I search Goog...

Old School Marketing Can Help Low Traffic Bloggers
Everyone has an ebook about blogging now. There is so much free information out there that I can't keep up. But how can you, just starting out, get the word ...

Uploading Product Data Fast and Getting Your Vendors to Help - Part 2 Ecommerce SEO
I can take a long time to manually enter the data for thousands of products into a site like OsCommerce. We have over 5000 products listed online. Close to 2...

Total Google Searches: 6181
I actually looked through my Google web history this morning. I finally started logging into Google before searching a little while ago. Before I was paranoi...

Building a Good Category Structure - Part 1 of the Ecommerce Seach Engine Optimization Series
Up to the point that I became the in-house SEO and developer for http://www.allaboutdoors.com, I had never really dealt with a large scale ecommerce site. I ...

Improving Adwords Landing Page Quality
Google AdWords Case Study - Improving Landing Page Quality » eWhisper.net