Why Do You Write Code - The Career, The Code, or The Results?
There are two types of people - people that classify people into types of people and those that don't.

The Time They Tried to Replace Our Whole Engineering Team and It Backfired - A Cautionary Tale
This is a story about a lesson I learned when I was a fledgling corporate developer in my 30s. I say that because at that time I had already been writing cod...

How I Keep Myself Interested in Coding
I think the key to staying interested in programming is constantly trying something new with technology.

When Taking a Pay Cut as a Programmer Might Be the Right Choice
Why would someone want to take a pay cut to go to a new job, especially when that is one of the most common ways programmers get raises?

Good and Bad Times as a Contrarian Programmer
When I think of the traditional leaders in tech, I realize almost all of them were contrarians.

Developer, Programmer, Engineer - Decoding the Titles in the Coding World
As a person who writes code, it is important to choose a title that describes what you do. There are quite a few to choose from, each with their own connotat...

The Secrets to Keeping Your Programming Career Balanced
Master the art of achieving work-life harmony as a programmer, with valuable insights and lessons from someone who has experienced the struggle firsthand.

Navigating Coding Roles - Startups vs. Big Tech
One of the most effective ways to simplify the complexity of the software engineering landscape is to separate companies into startups and big tech, with a s...

Just Code It
Stop waiting until you know what you are doing. Stop waiting until the idea is complete. Just code it.

136 Places to Learn to Code for Free
Here is an exhaustive list of resources that will teach you how to write code for free. Updated February 2020.

Learning to Program by Working on Real World Projects
Forget the toy projects when you want to learn to program and build something you would use.

The Niagara Falls Supension Bridge Programming Analogy
Starting with a lean functional application and slowly building robustness.

The Truth About a Computer Science Degree
Your computer science degree is not job training to be a programmer. Most likely, all the technologies you use at your first job you will have to learn there...

Programmer, aka Soldier of Fortune
If don't approach your job like a mercenary, you are missing out.

Devote Part of Your Day to Keeping Up to Date
You have to keep up to date in this industry if you want to get the best jobs.

Programming Generalist Versus Programming Specialist
It's really not your decision because the work will choose and you have to be both.

Documenting Your Programming Experience with a Blog
Write about your work.

Learning Programming by Building Tools You Need
Building something real is a much better learning experience than working on exercises.

Always Have a Project on the Side
Build experience in new technologies by burning the midnight oil.

Is the Tech Industry the New Coal Mine?
If programming is a working class job then we need some working class benefits.

Beginner's Luck is a Real Thing
Maybe the best way to learn something new is not to be taught it.