Stephan Miller
Bookmarking Your Own Posts

Bookmarking Your Own Posts

I have been slowly working my through the free ebooks I have found lately. Right now I am in the middle of Authority Black Book by Jack Humphrey. It is a resource book based on the techniques listed at a post over at SeoFeed. Jack Humprey wrote the ebook Power Linking a few years back when I was just getting started in internet marketing. It was actually a great book for the time on getting links to your site to build traffic. Authority Black Book covers the same territory but from a blogging and web 2.0 aspect.

In the book, Jack mentions that you should bookmark your own posts at as many bookmarking sites that you normally use. I don't know about you, but I don't normally use too many. Has bookmarking or submitting my own posts helped. Yes, and I have seen jumps of over 100% more traffic on days that I have picked a good post and submitted to either Stumbleupon or Digg. But this type of traffic is mainly that day only.

Some of these sites, like Delicious or other almost purely bookmarking sites, don't give you much the initial day, but will give you more long term traffic down the road.

My question is where this crosses over to the spamming side. I have probably submitted 4 posts to a social site myself in the last month or so. About the only site I use normally for bookmarking is Delicious. I guess instead of using Delicious, I could use OnlyWire for everything I bookmark, that way my bookmark will be saved to delicious and 14 other sites. I do bookmark a lot, at least four of five new ones a day. So, I think that is what I will do and test the results. I will through my own links in there too, but a little more often now.

And if any readers have tips or suggestions, drop me a comment. I follow.

Stephan Miller

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Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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