Stephan Miller
A Change in the Blog Design

A Change in the Blog Design

If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed the blog theme changed over the weekend. I didn’t really plan for that to happen. It was just the final result. It started with a message from my wife, saying that my comment form was down. I went in to fix it and found I couldn’t. This blog was about three Wordpress updates behind at the time.

This is the one blog I have that still requires manual updates. For all my other blogs, I just click a button in my hosting control panel and the update is done in about five minutes. There had been a lot of things wrong with this blog for a long time. I had a few plugins installed that just never showed like CommentLuv and Subscribe to Comments. Whether this was a problem with the theme or the Wordpress installation, I can’t be sure of.

But all of my plugins are working and up to date now. And I added a new theme just for good measure. The theme is nothing great. Something I whipped up to do the job, which it does. The last theme was a temporary one to begin with.

I also added a few extra plugins. There is not as many on this blog as I have on others, but here is a list of my current Wordpress plugins:

Add to Any: Share/Save/Bookmark Button
All in One SEO Pack
Broken Images
Comment Relish
FeedBurner FeedSmith
FriendFeed Comments
Full Text Feed
Google Analytics for WordPress
Google XML Sitemaps
Landing sites (de)
Link Cloaking Plugin
Nofollow Those Dupes
Optimal Plugin (formerly, OPML Renderer)
Post Teaser
SimplePie Core
SimplePie Plugin for WordPress
SRG Clean Archives
Subscribe To Comments
Twitter Tools
What Would Seth Godin Do
WordPress Database Backup
WP Super Cache
Stephan Miller

Written by

Kansas City Software Engineer and Author

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