A Change in the Blog Design
If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed the blog theme changed over the weekend. I didn’t really plan for that to happen. It was just the final result. It started with a message from my wife, saying that my comment form was down. I went in to fix it and found I couldn’t. This blog was about three Wordpress updates behind at the time.
This is the one blog I have that still requires manual updates. For all my other blogs, I just click a button in my hosting control panel and the update is done in about five minutes. There had been a lot of things wrong with this blog for a long time. I had a few plugins installed that just never showed like CommentLuv and Subscribe to Comments. Whether this was a problem with the theme or the Wordpress installation, I can’t be sure of.
But all of my plugins are working and up to date now. And I added a new theme just for good measure. The theme is nothing great. Something I whipped up to do the job, which it does. The last theme was a temporary one to begin with.
I also added a few extra plugins. There is not as many on this blog as I have on others, but here is a list of my current Wordpress plugins: